
Shogun Retail as part of Mitsubishi Motors provides a full range of motor vehicles to UK consumers.

As well as the introduction and supply of new vehicles their marketing team provides associated marketing materials and content to support launches of new vehicles in their immersive showrooms.

Our role:

3D-Consulting (3DC) were rehired to provide updated display models for the L200 and ASX vehicles for 2020.

Having a baseline from the initial Lakeside store launch in 2019: this made the ASX update much easier and we were able to re model the facelift changes to the front and rear of the vehicle.

3D Scanning Mitsubishi 3D Scanning L200

For the L200 vehicle the update to bodywork was significant and this led to 3DC having to undertake a full 3D scan of the vehicle.  This was the biggest scan we have ever undertaken measuring 5.2m x 1.8m x 1.8m L, W, H envelope.  The task was made possible using industry leading equipment and software.

For the 3D Scanning we used a Creaform Handheld TM portable laser scanner, which provides volumetric accuracy of 0.020 +0.040mm/m.  The resulting point cloud data was then post processed with Geomagic R software. A single alloy wheel was 3D Scanned and replicated  three further times in position to complete the vehicle capture on site at the Mitsubishi Motors show room in Cirencester.

3D Scanning Mitsubishi 3D Scanning models

A model as detailed and sizeable as this creates a large file that needs decimating for it to be handled for other follow on design/manufacturing tasks with digital files.  The key being to decimate and delete unnecessary data and points whilst preserving the detail and surface smoothness for a display model.  The final steps were to scale down the full vehicle to its scaled model size, with an M8 mounting block drawn in CAD and added to the stl mesh to then allow the 3D printed model to be fixed onto the showroom display.

If you have project that requires precise 3D Scanning be it very small objects to the very large like this one then get in touch